[06/1893] - Joseph Gleeson White (1851-1896), The
nude in photography: with some studies taken in the open air / Il nudo
in fotogrtafia. Con alcuni studi scattati all'aria aperta, "The studio", June 1893, pp. 103-109.
[1894] - Joseph Gleeson White (1851-1896), On photographing the nude / Fotografare il nudo, "The photogram", 1894, p. 55-56, 85-86, 103-104 & 134-137. (Estratti in: Photographing the nude, "The American amateur photographer", VI 1894, pp. 255-260).
[1898] - Washington Irving Lincoln Adams (1865-1946), In Nature's image. Chapters on pictorial photography, Baker & Taylor, NY 1898, chap. 6, pp. 61-70.